Overcoming Shyness & Social Phobia
By Ron Rapee (PhD).
Shyness affects the lives of millions of Australians and yet it can be a different experience from one person to the next.
Whether you're affected to a mild degree - perhaps having difficulty giving presentations or meeting new people - or whether your life is crippled by severe social phobia, this book can help turn your life around.
In a step-by-step approach, practical, scientifically-proven techniques are described. These techniques are designed to help you control your social fears and build inner confidence.
This program can help you:
to clearly identify your fears, worries and feelings in social situations;
to worry less about what people think of you;
to overcome those annoying 'mental blanks';
to face your social fears head on;
be more assertive.
126 pages.
About the author:
Dr Ron Rapee received his Ph.D in 1985 from the University of NSW and is currently Professor in the Department of Psychology, Macquarie University, Sydney.
Dr Ron Rapee's research explores the areas of child and adult anxiety. He has published extensively in international journals and written and edited several books. He is director of the Macquarie University Anxiety Research Unit - www.psy.mq.edu.au/MUARU