Let's Be Still CD
By Pauline McKinnon.
This unique 2 set CD explains to children and adolescents the principles of stillness and the need for stress management in today's world. The disks include 3 directed practice sessions for ages 7-9, 10-12 and young adults. This recording may be used in conjunction with the books by the same author, Quiet Magic and Let's Be Still (A Teaching Manual).
Pauline McKinnon is a practicing family therapist who has specialised in teaching Stillness Meditation for stress management and life development for almost 20 years. She was acknowledged by the late Dr. Ainslie Meares as an exponent of his unique approach to meditation. In 1983 Pauline pioneered public awareness of anxiety disorders through the publication of In Stillness Conquer Fear, her story of recovery from the debilitating anxiety disorder, agoraphobia. That book and an accompanying CD Stillness For Stress Free Living, continues to help people throughout the world to similarly transform their lives.
In first publishing Quiet Magic and Help Yourself and Your Child to Happiness in the early 90's, Pauline acted upon her concern for children. In 1997, inspired by requests from teachers and health carers, Pauline developed a comprehensive Teacher Training Program in stillness and went on to establish ESMA (Educators in Stillness Meditation Australia Inc.) a not-for-profit organisation for professionals working to manage stress, anxiety and depression in young people. This has resulted in stillness programs being successfully introduced into some Australian primary schools.
In addition to her consulting practice, Pauline gives presentations and lectures in Stillness Meditation to corporate, educational, health and charitable institutions and recommends the practice of stillness of mind in the process of positive change. In her personal life Stillness Meditation has allowed Pauline to balance her professional role with that of wife and mother and the pursuit of her wider passions - especially the joy of singing.
Stillness Meditation is a natural and simple life-skill that offers effective help at any age in the management of stress, anxiety and depression. Stillness is not related to culture, philosophy or religion.