A Silent Tear
A silent tear rolls down my cheek.
They say what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger, but I feel so weak.
Every day is a struggle, every night is long.
My mind races figuring out where I belong.
This world full of hatred, the lies the deceit
another silent tear, now I am knocked off my feet.
They say when you get knocked down, you're in the perfect position to pray.
I used to pray for sometimes hours to get me through rough days.
A silent tear, a heavy heart.
I hold it together, but sometimes I fall apart.
Another silent tear, it hurts like hell.
I'm okay on the outside, but on the inside who can tell?
Strength was always a quality that a lot of people admired.
Now I get out of bed only because it’s required.
I've fought almost every day for a lot of different reasons.
Now I only fight for the few things I still believe in.
A silent tear no one can hear...it streams down my face and I close my eyes.
I take a deep breath and put on my disguise.
Even though it hurts, I'm still here
hoping one day it'll get better so I don't have to keep fighting these silent tears..
~me~ (a sufferer of anxiety & depression)