How to overcome depression and put your life back on track
This page created 31 May 2011
By Dr. Vesna Grubacevic
- Do you find yourself feeling down, lonely, depressed, crying at the drop of a hat or feeling overwhelmingly hurt by what others say and do?
- Are your emotions controlling your life, affecting your relationships, your performance at work and holding you back?
- Are you lacking the energy and the motivation to do the things you want to do, including simple everyday activities?
- Would you like to put some joy, energy, motivation, enthusiasm and excitement back in your life?
Emotions are our way of knowing that something feels comfortable or uncomfortable for us. Therefore, paying attention to our emotions is very important. All emotions are good because they provide us with feedback as to whether something sits well with us or not. There are two types of emotions: balanced emotions and unresolved emotions.
Balanced versus unresolved emotions
Our emotions are balanced when we feel an appropriate level of emotion in a particular situation. For example, if we are watching a sad movie, it is appropriate to feel sad. Any time we feel an emotion that is out of proportion to the situation that we are in, it is a sign that it may be unresolved. For example, road rage is an example of unresolved past anger and crying for no reason may be a sign of unresolved past sadness.
It is important to address the unresolved emotions. For as long as we ignore the unresolved emotions that we feel we may turn to food, smoking, alcohol, other substances or have other undesired behaviours as a way of dealing with our emotions and coping with life. When we do this, we are covering up our emotions and encouraging the unwanted behaviours.
Holding on to unresolved emotions can also prevent us from doing what we desire in life. For instance, unresolved hurt can prevent people from getting into another relationship even when they really want one. Unresolved fear can prevent people from taking action and have them feeling stuck and unfulfilled. Because unresolved emotions are trapped energy, we can feel tired or lethargic as a result and lack the energy to do things in life, even simple every day activities.
Medical professionals and researchers agree that emotions such as grief, loneliness, disappointment and depression weaken the body’s immune system. In contrast, emotions such as joy, relaxation and satisfaction strengthen the body’s immune system. Therefore, holding onto depression and other unresolved emotions can have a detrimental affect on our health.
Overcoming Depression
When we go through significant experiences in life eg. relationship break up, financial problems, a business failure, retrenchment, loss of a loved one, accidents, injuries, illnesses, etc, some people cope with these events well, while others find it difficult to cope and can become depressed by these circumstances. They may lose motivation, focus and energy and may get caught up in the emotions and lack of self esteem around these events. Because depression is a combination of unresolved emotions, by resolving these emotions you can also resolve depression. In addition, there may also be other issues that need to be addressed (eg. self esteem, body image issues, limiting beliefs, etc.) in order for depression to be fully resolved.
Getting back on track!
Our behaviours are driven by our memories, values, beliefs, emotions, language, etc. Because these are stored at the unconscious level, any changes we wish to make in our behaviours, beliefs, emotions, etc need to happen with the cooperation of the unconscious (some call it the subconscious mind). By working with the client’s unconscious, addressing unresolved emotions (such as depression) is faster and longer lasting than working on a conscious level (via purely analytical and conversational techniques).
NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and Hypnotherapy techniques work safely and quickly on an unconscious level. These techniques enable us to easily and quickly assist the client in finding the cause of any unresolved emotion or limiting belief, then to assist the client to comfortably release these without the client needing to experience the emotion again or relive the trauma or the past over again.
Both NLP and Hypnotherapy are well respected disciplines. NLP has been used successfully since the 1970s, while the use of hypnotherapy dates back to before 1500 AD and today it is being used by medical doctors, dentists, surgeons, therapists, other health practitioners and sports athletes. Many individuals are using hypnosis and also learning self hypnosis techniques to assist them to change unwanted long term habits and behaviours at the unconscious level.
Imagine easily, comfortably and safely letting go of these emotions, overcoming depression and putting the joy, energy, motivation and excitement back in your life.
Qt Dr. Vesna Grubacevic is the founder of Qt, a certified NLP Trainer, who holds a PhD in Clinical Hypnotherapy, is a Master NLP Practitioner and Master Hypnotherapist, holds a BEc and has over 28 years’ business experience. Dr. Vesna is the creator of breakthrough behavioural change techniques, is a sought after speaker, and has a proven track record of assisting clients to achieve exceptional personal and professional success! She offers transformational one on one consultations, seminars and certification trainings in NLP and Hypnotherapy. For more information on overcoming depression and for your FREE gifts, visit www.qttransformation.com today or call Dr. Vesna on (03) 9653-9288.
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