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Anxiety and Panic Disorders - Useful Links

Anxiety Recovery Centre Victoria (ARCVic)
The Anxiety Recovery Centre Victoria (ARCVic) is a state-wide, specialist mental health organisation, providing support, recovery and educational services to people and families living with anxiety disorders. We aim to support and equip people with knowledge and skills that will build resilience and recovery and reduce the impact of anxiety disorders.

Anxiety Treatment Australia - Catherine Madigan, Clinical Psychologist
Anxiety Treatment Australia provides information about: panic, agoraphobia, social phobia, generalised anxiety, simple phobia, obsessive compulsive disorder & post traumatic stress disorder. There is information on treatment options, psychologists who treat anxiety disorders, group therapy and workshops, support groups across Australia, articles, resources, links to other sites & psychologist registration

Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA)

ADAA works to prevent, treat and cure anxiety disorders and depression

Mental Health Foundation of Australia (Victoria)

The Mental Health Foundation of Australia (Victoria) is the oldest Mental Health Association in Australia, established in 1930. It is an organisation of health professionals, patients, families of patients, related organisations and members of the public.
The Mental Health Foundation of Australia (Victoria) is part of the national and international mental health movement, with a primary focus on supporting those of us who are living with mental health issues, as well as the promotion of mental health awareness in the community.
The Mental Health Association (Qld) Inc. is Queensland's most prominent community organisation promoting mental health and advocating for the welfare of people with mental illness.

MIND Australia
Mind Australia is a leading provider of community mental health services.
We support people to live connected, productive and satisfying lives.
For service enquiries, information and referral, please contact Mind Connect on 1300 286 463
Carer Helpline 1300 554 660

Pauline McKinnon – Stillness Meditation Therapy Centre
Stillness Meditation was developed by the eminent Australian psychiatrist, Dr Ainslie Meares and is a natural practice that relieves anxiety and achieves serenity, resilience, better health and well-being through a simple experience of physical and mental relaxation, free of dogma, focus or effort of any kind. This work has been maintained in Australia by Pauline McKinnon, a practising family therapist who has specialised in teaching Stillness Meditation for stress management and life development for almost 20 years. Pauline was acknowledged by the late Dr Meares as an exponent of his distinctive approach to meditation.

Positive Psychology Centre
Care and Support for Individuals, Couples, Families, Adolescents, Children, Seniors and Business.
With a warm, inclusive environment and expertise across all areas of psychology and assessment, Positive Psychology is the practice you’ve been looking for.

Reconnexion - Treating panic, Anxiety, Depression and Tranquilliser Dependency
Reconnexion programs and services address the challenges of anxiety, stress, depression and benzodiazepine (tranquillisers & sleeping pills) dependency and related conditions.
Reconnexion provides counselling, telephone information & support, community information, and health practitioner education.
Reconnexion (formerly TRANX & PADA) is a not for profit organisation based in Victoria, Australia. In February 2014 Reconnexion merged with EACH Social and Community Health

SANE Australia - Helpline 1800 18 7263
Our mission: helping all Australians affected by mental illness lead a better life.
SANE Australia is a national charity helping all Australians affected by mental illness

Shyness & Social Anxiety Treatment Australia
Shyness & Social Anxiety Treatment Australia provides information about: social phobia, the treatment options, group therapy and workshops across Australia, psychologists who treat social anxiety across Australia, fear of public groups across Australia, children and social anxiety, depression, famous sufferers, articles, resources, links to other sites, psychologist registration.

Wellways - 1300 111 400
Wellways offers a wide range of individually tailored services designed to support people affected by mental health issues or disability, as well as their families, friends and carers. Our experienced, local staff will help you take charge of your wellbeing, connect with others and participate in your community.

self-funded organisation
. We welcome your contributions
donations, and memberships.

If you would like to sponsor ADAVIC
or help with fundraising, please
contact the ADAVIC office.

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