You can assist ADAVIC to help the community with their anxiety and depression experiences.

- benefits the community
- is done of your own free will
- is unpaid
As a volunteer, you are entitled to...
- a healthy and safe working environment
- know who you are accountable to
- know how your role fits with the organization
- adequate and appropriate orientation and training
- sufficient support and supervision in your role
- be informed of matters that affect your volunteer efforts
- be aware of the grievance procedures in the organization
- be able to say ‘No’
- reimbursed for out of pocket expenses
- not to be discriminated against because of your gender, age, sexuality, race, religious beliefs, health or disability status
Volunteer Roles
Volunteering opportunities
| ADAVIC relies on multiple volunteer positions to assist us in providing vital support to the community. We have a regular team of between 35 and 50 active volunteers at any one time.
Current vacancies:
How to apply
- Read the position description (above) to see if your skills and interests match the role
- Submit your resume outlining your interest to ADAVIC's volunteer portal.
If you have any questions about these roles you can contact the ADAVIC office.
ADAVIC can provide a supportive learning environment for student placements and workplace learning.
ADAVIC does not currently offer any face-to-face counselling services for the community, and therefore we do not have suitable positions if this is required from a placement experience.
Our typical placement opportunities are the same as those offered for volunteer opportunities (see above), in particular:
- Support Group Facilitator Volunteer
- Phone, Email, and Admin Support Volunteer
Placement requirements differ across universities and tertiary institutes and across courses, including:
- the duration of the placement (number of hours required for completion)
- the type of placement experience needed (eg,
"counselling" vs. "support" opportunities; direct client contact (face-to-face) vs. phone contact; working independently with clients vs. observation only, etc)
- the type of field supervision required during the placement.
- reporting and assessment obligations
To determine whether your placement is suitable, it is best to contact the ADAVIC office.